Gemini Fashion is a fashion house that specialises in supplying residents living in care/nursing homes, assisted living accommodations and day centres throughout the United Kingdom. We supply clothing, nightwear, underwear, footwear and accessories for both men and women.
We currently visit sites in the South of England with our mobile clothing & footwear shop which allows us to be on the front line with our customers listening to what products and designs they would like to see and how we can develop our products.
Our collections are classic & Trendy. Our clothing and footwear are chosen, designed and manufactured with our customers in mind making sure every product we sell is safe, practical and affordable. Every product we sell comes with a 1 year guarantee giving our customers peace of mind. The majority of our products are manufactured in the United Kingdom.
This website is an opportunity for our customers in the South of England to place orders in between their regular visits and it is a great opportunity for customers throughout the country to have access to our huge collection.
The team at Gemini Fashion have many years of experience therefore our policies are tailor made to suit the needs and workings of our customers.